Upcoming Events

Traditional Weather Harvest Ceremony
Our Asheville-area Nahua-tradition Weather Workers will lead us in a gratitude ceremony giving thanks for the blessings received from Weather. The Harvest Festival is a once-a-year celebration which stands on the foundation of a tradition that has assisted communities for generations to build relationship with their local weather.
Your participation at this communal celebration helps complete a cycle of reciprocity with the Weather Beings by acknowledging their life-sustaining gifts and offering thanks for those gifts.

Weather Work Healers Share Weather Wisdom & Healing from a Sacred Prophecy
Traditional healers in an ancient Mexican lineage offer ancient healing ways, with sessions and retreats in the USA, Canada, and Mexico.
The time-tested ways of an ancient tradition from Central Mexico provide transformation, wisdom, and guidance to address illness, trauma healing, and stuck ancestral patterns, so that you can recover and reconnect to your purpose, joy and inspiration.
Adam Laufer, Erin Everett and Monika Ghent are are weather workers, ceremonial leaders, and tepahtiani healers in an ancient Nahua lineage from Mexico. In this event, they share their healing tradition, and they introduce the network of tepahtiani healers serving the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Tepahtiani healing is an ancient traditional way of helping people come into balance. Equally effective for physical, mental, and spiritual ailments, healing sessions can provide spiritual cleansing and blessing, practical perspective and deep healing for each individual and their unique expression.
At this Zoom 1-hour workshop, you will...
Hear a sacred story of this tradition and a prophecy about these times.
Meet a healing patient, who will share their story of healing.
Explore ways this profound ancient medicine can help you.
Ask your questions.
Who are the event leaders?
These healers and their colleagues offer sessions, help and supportive life guidance throughout the USA, Canada and in Mexico.
Learn more at traditionalhealers.org
Monika offers traditional healing near Toronto and distance healing worldwide.
Learn more at Monika's website.
Adam and Erin offer sessions at Seeds of Tradition Healing Retreat, a log cabin vacation sanctuary and sacred altar high in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, NC, USA.
Learn more at Asheville Healing Retreat.
Jody Wallace offers traditional healing in New York state, USA.
Learn more at traditionalhealers.org.
Carla Leftwich offers traditional healing in New Orleans, Louisiana and distance healing worldwide.
Learn more at traditionalhealers.org.

Traditional Healers: Ancient Ways to Care for People and the Sacred
For people with everything from physical diseases like cancer to emotional effects like depression and despair, and for those generally being shaken up by the rapid changes and upheavals in these times and longing for purpose, meaning, focus and healing: ancient, everlasting human ways offer a potent remedy.
Adam Laufer and Erin Everett are weather workers, ceremonial leaders, and tepahtiani healers in their ancient Nahua lineage from the Central Highlands of Mexico.
Tepahtiani healing is an ancient traditional way of helping human beings come into balance. Equally effective for physical, mental, and spiritual ailments, Adam and Erin's healing sessions can provide spiritual cleansing and blessing, practical perspective and sustained transformation for each individual and their unique expression.
They will also speak about the spiritual house and land clearing, blessing and protection that they offer. They will share about their network of elders and colleagues across the USA and in Mexico and Canada.
Recover, stabilize, and reconnect to your purpose, joy and inspiration. Learn about "life as movement" and how the wisdom of this ancient tradition from Central Mexico can help you walk the Good Path in your life, so that you can recover, stabilize, and reconnect to your purpose, joy and inspiration. Also, learn about the sacred medicine of fire and how to apply fire's healing blessings to your own life, as well as a local Asheville hub, part of an international network of fire medicine with monthly fire circle events for you to enjoy with your family and friends.
At this event, you will hear a sacred story and learn about traditional healing and the medicine of fire.
Show up at 5:15 for this 5:30 one-hour event. Plus, you can opt to stay for a shared potluck meal at 6:30, followed by a social fire circle gathering.
Donations are requested for this event and can be made in person or via Paypal or Venmo.
Don't live in the Asheville, NC area? No problem.
If you sign up and you're not within driving distance, sign up our upcoming zoom event instead.
Experience this healing when you book a stay with Adam and Erin at their log cabin healing sanctuary: ashevillehealingretreat.com
Learn more about healers Adam Laufer and Erin Everett at https://seedsoftradition.org and https://ashevillehealingretreat.com