Nahua Traditional
Healing & Healers
We’re living in times of great upheaval. As things fall away, beneficial ancient ways rise up to heal and support us.

What is traditional healing?
Based on ancestral knowledge passed down through thousands of years of living, dreaming, and engaging with the world and its natural cycles, Traditional Healing offers deep and lasting life-balance, healing and beneficial transformation. Traditional healing systems are dynamic, rising out of the knowledge, wisdom, skills, experiences, and practices of indigenous cultures who have utilized their benefits for centuries and continue to do so to this day… [Read more.]
We can lose our sense of self and purpose. These ancient ways call us to our path and place within the sacred fabric of life.
Traditional ways are based on essential relationships with ancestors, sacred sites, medicines and helping spirits to effect profound healing.
Traditional healing supports your connection with Divine and the natural world which is the source of all balance, health and well-being.
Who are traditional healers?
The work of traditional healers has its origins and foundation in the mysterious ritual dialogue between human specialists and Divine. As human beings, we need support from others in order to bring back balance and harmony when disease, misfortune, and other challenges shake up our lives. Over millennia, through intimate communion with the living world, indigenous societies developed time-honored practices to bring healing for these uniquely human concerns… [Read more.]
Years of dedication to an ancient living tradition, its techniques, world-views and wisdom form the foundation of the healer’s abilities.
A traditional healer’s beneficial influence arises out of deep gratitude and humble service to their elders, their community, and divine healing forces.
A traditional healer’s divine relationships guide them to know what you need for your health and well-being.
Our Nahua Healing Lineage
Representing a lineage that developed out of thousands of years of living, dreaming and engaging with the world and the natural cycles of living, the initiated Nahua healers listed in this directory are part of a healing path descending in the ancient line of quiapaquiz and quialtzques (in the Nahuatl language) or graniceros (in Spanish) represented by don Lucio Campos de Elizalde and don David Wiley.
Don Lucio Campos Elizalde (1906-2005) was our lineage’s original Maestro and Caporal Mayor (ceremonial leader and teacher). He was a well-known and highly respected Weather Worker (Sp. granicero; Nahuatl quiapaquiz) and healer from the village of Nepopualco in Mexico.
In his early 20’s (circa 1936), Lucio was struck by lightning and slipped into a coma that lasted three years. During this time, his spirit traveled to the heavens where he was taught many things about people, the earth, healing, and the “beings who brought the rain, wind and clouds.” When he finally awoke, he was infused with a deep commitment to the living forces of Nature to serve his community in the time-honored Nahua lineage of Weather Work and healing. Lucio apprenticed to venerable weather worker don Felipe Garcia and dedicated his life to the work of this ancient line of quiapaquiz workers and healers. Throughout his life, weather work maestro don Lucio Campos de Elizalde benefited the many people who sought him out for his ceremonies, eloquent wisdom and transformative healing work.
Don Lucio’s Vision
While in his coma, don Lucio was given a prophetic vision in which he was shown that, far into the future, because people would no longer be performing weather gratitude ceremonies in their different lands, the weather would turn destructive with drought and storms. However, he was also shown that people with a soul-calling to be Weather Workers would be called to this tradition from the “four corners of the world.” These people would bring the Nahua Weather Work tradition and healing to the lands and people where they live to rekindle connection to divine weather forces and address the extremes of weather.
Several decades later, people from Mexico, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom arrived at don Lucio’s consultorio, having been mysteriously called to this path.
Don Lucio’s name for this group of dedicated Weather Workers was “el grupo precioso” – the precious group.
In the 90s, the first one to arrive was David Wiley from the United States. Guided by spirit, David traveled to the remote village of don Lucio who immediately recognized him as one of the workers from his prophetic vision. David was soon initiated as a Quiapaquiz, and after years of dedicated work, he became don Lucio’s olochtli huei amatlacuilo (group chief) to provide leadership and support of those who would come later. The Nahua path of service beyond the traditional villages had finally begun, and don Lucio’s vision was coming to fruition at long last.
Today, there are devoted Weather Workers of this lineage from around the world and el grupo precioso continues to grow as more and more people are called to this path.
Shortly before his death, after many years of guiding David in the practice of conducting ceremonies, traditional healing, counseling and confirming others to the work, don Lucio passed the responsibility of the lineage over to David.
To this day, don David Wiley continues to fulfill don Lucio’s sacred dream as the Maestro and Caporal Mayor of our Weather Work lineage.
The group of tepahtiani healers listed in this directory are a part of that vision.
In addition to their healing calling, the healers listed here also work with the forces of Weather for the benefit of the people of the land where they live.
Our Spiritual Homeland
In the highlands of central Mexico, the villages of the Nahua people are nestled in the rugged high-altitude landscape dotted with volcanoes, steep ridges and valleys. The Nahuas have always thrived on their fields of maize, beans, squash and chilis, despite living in a region that receives rain for only six months out of the year.
This area is known for tradition-holders who work with weather for the benefit of communities and farmers of that land. Some of these tradition-holders go on to become traditional healers, some of whom are found in this directory.
Traditional Weather Work Healing
Often known as Tepahtiani (pl. Tepahtianimeh), Ticitl, or by other names, a healer in this tradition works in relationship with the healing forces of nature and sacred mountains, caves and bodies of water to address the spiritual root causes of illness and imbalance in all layers of a person’s being: body, mind, and spirit. Traditional Nahua healing is beneficial for the range of human imbalances, including physical illnesses and emotional and spiritual issues.
For some treatments, traditional Nahua healers use incense from the copal tree.
This lineage's original maestro, Don Lucio Campos de Elizalde
Traditional Nahua healing