Each of the Tepahtiani healers on this website is an initiated weather worker.
During our ceremonies each spring and fall, we return to Mexico to pray not only for the people of that rugged land—the Central Highlands of Mexico—but we also pray for you, for the farmers and people of our far-flung regions where each of us is located, and for the rains and beneficial waters to continue to support us.
Through this ceremonial work, we receive what we need to pass along healing weather blessings to you, the people in our communities.
In our ceremonies, after our visit where we placed special offerings at an ancient ceremonial site of our tradition as our spiritual ancestors have done throughout time, often the rains arrive and freshen the land after many months of dry. Many of us return home to the abundant and fruitful rain we prayed for, benefiting our farmers and the land so the crops can thrive and feed the people.
For more on how you can participate in receiving and encouraging balanced weather for our area, email us.
Just as our elders do, we call for blessing for you, for these lands, with open hearts and deep emotion. We are so grateful to serve you in this role.
Visit weatherwork.org to learn more about our weather ceremonies and this ancient tradition that works with weather in many lands.
(Scroll to bottom of page for a special video experience.)

Immerse into this video experience of our ancient Nahua (Central Mexican) lineage and learn why people from the “four corners of the world” are now traditional healers and weather workers in this lineage.